Easily Get/Free earning extra money while using Google Chrome Browser

How easily get/free earning extra money while using Internet Browser?

Hi Guys, Today I'm gonna to show you guys how to use Google Chrome Extension to mining bitcoin easily, In fact, there are many ways to dig bitcoin. For example, the most traditional method is that "host mining" requires to purchase of expensive processors (CPUs) and graphics cards (GPUs) to independently develop mining machine, but only professional miners. Only when it is possible to make a profit because the calculation method of Bitcoin is slowly becoming more difficult, the era of exploiting bitcoin alone has already passed, and the probability of being able to mining by itself is too small. It's not worth to try, so today we'll introduce you to an "easy" way to mining bitcoin.
At present, the value of a bitcoin is USD6,000-6,500. The price is quite amazing. It is a big cake that everyone wants to eat (including me). Recently, Google Chrome has also appeared (CryptoTab). The Google Extension allows people to easily mining bitcoin using google extension. When you use Google Chrome, the Google Extension (CryptoTab) mining method will automatically start mining for you, without affecting your computer normal operation, For those who are not professionally mining but want to earn some extra costs and this is the one you are looking for! and this is 0 fee! This is such a great news for everyone!
I believe that everyone who wants to earn Bitcoin without knowing how to start, let me teach you how to start mining through these easy steps.

How to earn Bitcoin while using Google Chrome

Let me teach you how to earn Bitcoin legally in a few steps. It must be noted that the smartphone is inoperable and only the computer can operate.

Step 1

Press official link to join the mining game now! >> CryptoTab

Step 2
Press + ADD TO CHROME AND GET BITCOIN, then press Add extension to install CryptoSearch first.

Step 3

After that, click "Done" to proceed to the next step and then click Add extension to install CryptoTab.
When you press Add extension, it will be explained briefly, please understand carefully. Of course the most important thing is sign in! You can use Facebook or Google account login to bind.
It's just that you can start mining bitcoin, all the steps are so simple right?! However, I suggested that the speed of mining should be controlled at 20-50%, in order not to affect the operation of the computer, so that the power wasted by the computer! It is environmentally users friendly.

Reminder: It updates your earned money every 10 minutes. As long as the Icon in the upper right corner is on, it means the mining is going on.

CryptoTab Browser
In addition to mining with Google Chrome, Google also launched CyptoTab Browser. CyptoTab Browser x8 times faster than Google Chrome!

Click Here >> CryptoTab Browser page, after installation, click on the desktop CryptoTab Browser icon to start using.


This is the last step and the most important. When you earn Bitcoin, of course, it is "Withdrawal" The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.00001 bitcoin.
So you have to open a bitcoin wallet via online so that you can save it on your self E-Wallet. There are many kinds of bitcoin wallets in the market, but myself is using a wallet called Blockchain, which is popular in local or international. A bitcoin wallet, this wallet can be used on a computer and Android or iOS without any problems and is free!

Link of Blockchain Wallet, please click the link>> Register Here

In order to protect the user's data and security considerations, Blockchain must review the registrant's information, just like opening a bank account.
1. Fill in your information, you must use the same email as CryptoTab.
2. After registration, it will send you an email, please go to Confirm Email
3. Then complete the setup Two Factor Authentication and verify account as directed.

Video guideline:
Once you're done, you can save the bitcoin once you earned.
Enjoy mining !!!!


  1. To further maximize your profit when earning free bitcoin from the web?
    Please try CryptoTab Browser, a great browser with familiar Chromium interface and nice mining feature. The best thing about it is that you can you earn Bitcoins by just browsing the web.

    It takes certain amount of your idle CPU and return BTC to your wallet, direct payment is supported and paid is proven.
    Learn more here: https://get.cryptobrowser.site/50/6576250


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